This, my friends, is what my best friend Jennifer got to sit directly behind at the US Open last night. She's a twit. It so should have been my seat since I was supposed to go with them. But, then again, I probably would have ended up being escorted off the premises for *accidently* spilling beer on his neck just to get to lick it off :P I don't know what it is, but something about all the dirty, nastiness really gets me going.
The second hot man of the day is actually some poor, poor dude that locked himself out of his car. I felt for him. I really did. I have done it so many times that my used-to-be-best-friend-Jennifer has a couple copies of my car and house keys. One of them she keeps in Peoria (where we work) at all times because I have been known to lock myself out of my car at any number of places, at any number of times. And no, Amy, I checked and they weren't on top of his car either. I did, however, think very hard about offering to help him check his pockets again. He was that cute. And they were big pockets.
So, overall, it has been a good day. Plus, the Powers That Be are even letting us out of work at 3 p.m. today in honor of the long weekend. Now that is very unusual. So, my cubemate Kathy and I are taking full advantage of the extra hours and going for a pedicure and some shopping. Happy Labor Day Weekend All!
Did she smell him??
I have two friends that have met him down here in Miami and the BOTH said he stinks.
I mean, he is still hot as hell. I can use noseplugs :)
Ohhhhhhhhhh Lori, Lori, Lori. You know how I feel about him. Ugghhhhh he probably reeks of vagina. *shudders*
Did you get the car dude's number at least? :P
Have a great weekend chica!! Enjoy!
Uh...nevermind. Moving along now. *sniff* What's that smell? Smells like concentrated estrogen...
He's hot, but disgusting at the same time. He must just reek of "man-whore."
Hope shopping was fun!
Hope you have a great long weekend. I like 'em dirty and angry, but not that dirty. besides, the smell would probably keep me away, unlike Laurel I don't think I could survive with noseplugs.
Let me atem!!!
Hope you and Kathy had a blast :)
I need to know... have you taken the Body Pump class yet?
oh yes....he is a hottie!
uh..."something about all the dirty, nastiness really gets me going"...uh...um...oh nevermind
I think your friend should have offered to give him a sponge bath and a shave :)
All you ladies are the same, just have one thing on your mind. Oh wait, men have the same thing on their mind too. ;)
YUM. I would totally not be opposed to bathing him. I mean, if I weren't married and stuff.
Men do seem to be dropping in front of you at alarming rates. Maybe its a sign?
ugh, I'm such a key loser!
Hope you had a nice long weekend!
Oh boy!! I don't have much to add to this one. I did like the part about the accident and the raunchy stuff getting you going. You naughty girl you. :-)
You should have given the locked-keys-in-car guy your digits... or maybe you did? hmmm.....
LMAO at all you ladies... smelly vagina man-whore. What a hoot!
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