Thursday, August 23, 2007

Wet Paint! errrr...Ink???

Shortly after Kruex died, I decided I wanted a portrait tattoo. And, of course, because I am totally cool, I naturally wanted Kat Von D to do it. I actually even sent her an email and someone did email me back, but then I dealt with this whole black hole, depression thing and just never pursued it again. So, this weekend I was actually talking to some friends/neighbors about tattoing and asked if they knew anyone who did portraits. The name that came up is actually a friend of mine from high school, which was kind of cool. There are two other tattoos that I also want, so I figured even if I wasn't that keen on his portrait work, he could hook me up with the others. Now, to make it even more ironic, my brother sends me a text this morning saying that he has figured out what he wants on his next tattoo (he has quite a few already) and has decided to go to this same guy! So, after talking to him on the phone about it, we decide that I will call and set something up so we can both go in and talk to him about what we want. While I haven't decided yet if I will have him do my portrait or hold out for Kat :P, it sure is ironic how the world works, don't you think?

All this lead me to start thinking about how certain people are brought into our lives to serve specific purposes. I may have already posted about it before, but while in the hospital, it was clear afterwards that the doctors that were available at the various times were definitely put into my path to help make it a bit easier. Be it through compassion, directness (is that a word??), knowledge or whatever particular character trait they happened to possess, it always seemed to be the exact thing I needed at that exact moment. The way people and ideas seem to have been coming into my life lately (or maybe it just seems like lately since I have finally started paying attention) makes it feel like some well-scripted play or movie. It is also the reason that I have shifted my belief from the statement "God doesn't give us more than we can handle" to "God helps us handle what we are given". I believe the spirits we are put in connection with along our way - and especially during particularly trying times - are God's way of carrying us through our challenges. Kind of deep for someone who recently just *re-discovered* her faith, eh?

I am heading to the gym in a few. The plan is to run, but my shins have been kind of sore, so if after 20 minutes or so they aren't feeling too hot, the backup plan is to finish the workout on the elliptical or bike...whichever strikes my fancy ;)


Amy said...

Wow, that would be an amazing tatoo...I hope Kat can do it! She's amazing.

Amy said...

Oh and just wondering, how do you pronounce Kruex?

Lori said...

Amy - Kruex is pronounced like "Crew". Don't ask on the spelling...there's really no rhyme or reason :P

Marcy said...

"Kind of deep for someone who recently just *re-discovered* her faith, eh?"

Exactly! I couldn't picture that paragraph coming from the Lori of a year ago. I like your take on it :-)

Where would it get it done (on your body) ? The tat?

Wes said...

So true :-) Beautifully spoken too. The only tat I'm getting is a quarter sized Ironman logo. I haven't decided whether or not to mirror my birth mark on my right butt cheek or put it on my left shoulder. LOL. Of course, I have to go the distance first...

Neese said...

Kat is one cool chick and a fantastic artist...I hope that can work out for you, if not there certainly are other talents out there...Good post, I certainly agree sometimes it's likely people have been placed into certain circumstances for a purpose.

ws said...

thanks for putting into words something that I never could...I'm not a religious person, but I think fate and karma definitely exist.

Hope your shins are feeling better and you had a good workout...

J~Mom said...

I am so excited for you to get that portrait done. I saw Kat on some show the other night (she is building her own place or something)and it totally made me think of you. Make sure you take pictures of what you get done.

I believe the same thing about how much God gives us. It's been such a long slow process for me to come to an understanding of that and also what I feel my purpose here in life is. Contrary to what little I will tell you it's not to fill up sippy cups. :>) Love ya, girl.

jahowie said...

Your outlook on life amazes me. You've been through so much and yet you still found your faith. I hope that it helps bring you some peace.

Ice those shins.

Jess said...

I saw that Kat recently got her own show, so maybe you could be featured on it! Wouldn't that be cool!

Mendy said...

I think that would be a great idea!!! I know it will work out for you whichever way you go. I truly enjoy reading your posts, and you always make me open my eyes more. I too believe people are put into our paths for reasons, and everything happens for a reason. Thanks for sharing!

Marathoner in Training said...

I like your comments. It sounds like you are set on the tat. I have one that I got 12 years ago or so, and I would entertain having it removed. It has kind of faded its interest with me. I am not running out and dumping the $$ to have it removed, it is there and I spent many years pondering getting it and there is no regret with getting it. If it was offered to have it removed, I probably would. I can perfectly understand your position on wanting to get it.