Saturday, February 2, 2008

Workout + Hottub = Gratitude

Holy cow. We did Body Attack this morning and it was insane. It was amazing and I loved every sweat-filled minute of it. Afterwards, my arch was killing me so I decided that it was past time for some new running shoes and Jennifer and I went to Running Central. I completely lucked out and the owner was there to help me find the shoes I needed and to talk to me about my arch issues. He thinks I have plantar faciitis and many issues in my calves, probably primarily from the heels I wear to work daily and the crappy shoes I wear other than when running/working out. But when he talked about trigger points, I knew he was one of the good guys, since Bob said the same thing. So, I got myself hooked up with a new pair of Mizuno's and I can't wait to get a run in with them.

Afterwards, the day was crazy. Lunch, basketball (Jack's), cooking for the SuperBowl tomorrow, etc. but finally after it all settled down, Payton and I went to Jennifer's and we hit up the hottub for a while. Oh.My.Gosh! It felt so good and with a few beers was just perfect. We got talking about crap in general and I started thinking and telling her how I believe pain is relative. Actually, I should rephrase...loss is relative. When I lost my grandpa in September it was hard, but okay. I also had a point of reference. That being said....

I got to have my son for 9 months. 8 months at home in perfect health and perfect temperment. The child was sent from God and that is what we got. I thank Him everyday that I was able to spend that much time with such a perfect little human being. And I am so grateful for it. Again, loss is relative...

There are people I am humbled by every day. The Iraqi mothers who watch their children get raped and murdered right before their eyes. Actually, any parent in a war-torn country. Mothers in Africa who have children born with AIDS or other unspeakable illnesses. And most dear to my heart...the mothers who have to lose their dear sons and daughters to the war we are fighting...especially the ones who risk more than one. I can't, for the life of me, imagine how they continue. But, then again, before Kruex died, I never imagined I could either after losing a child. A mother's love and faith is an incredible thing, and I can only hope and strive to do it the honor it deserves.


Jess said...

If drinking in the hot tub could be a job, I'd be a happy camper.

Marcy said...

Gotta get the book! Trigger Point Therapy ;-) Bob where is your plug? LOL

I'm glad you got some new kicks! Hopefully they'll treat you good!

Nancy said...

hmmm drinking and hot tub, I'd be all sentimental too. I think about this loss stuff a lot (really a lot for someone who has never lost a child). Not sure why, but you are right, some of the things mothers have to go through, my heart just breaks. Then I keep thinking, what would I be like. What would I do. I'm so glad you got those 8 months and have that attitude. I'm sure it took awhile to get to it, but I think you are amazing.

Happy new shoes. Take care!

J~Mom said...

Lori, you are so strong and amazing. Thank you for sharing those thoughts!

I hope you like your new shoes! I bet you are going to run like a Rockstar in them! :>)

Vickie said...

Lori, hope your arch problem clears up. I had the dreaded PF for about a year. Once it takes up residence in your foot, it doesn't want to leave. Hopefully the new shoes work. Its always something.

Wes said...

You just have to believe :-)

You are, indeed, a rock star!! I {heart} my Mizunos. Hope you do too!!!

Viv said...

Lori, thanks for sharing your deepest thoughts. You are a strong woman. I am glad you had the time you did have with Kruex.

Enjoy the new Mizuno's!

Pokey said...

You always amaze me Lori. You are such a strong woman --- in so many ways!!!!!

Great, now with new shoes you are really gonna be smokin' now!!!! :)

My Life said...

I want to hear more about the trigger points and the PF.... I hadn't realized you were having issues :(

Wish I could be there to give you a big hug... and drink a beer in that hot tub!!

Mendy said...

Lori, great post! I could just give you a great big ol' hug! Thanks for always sharing your thoughts with us.

Glad you got some new shoes. I love my mizunos and hope your's work for you!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.