Thursday, July 26, 2007

Just Do It

Okay, so no secret, this week has sucked...not just a little, a whole big nasty week of suck. So yesterday, my cubemate at work told me in no uncertain terms to bring in my gym clothes because we were going to the gym over lunch. Whether I wanted to or not. Thank God for that woman.

I didn't want to right up until she barked at me over her shoulder that she would meet me there. I wanted to run errands instead. I wanted to go to the bookstore, get pruners for the flower beds and run to Target for some toiletries. Since she was out the door so fast I couldn't respond, I had no choice but to pony up and follow her to the gym. It was such a great workout! We did upper body and by the time I got back to the office an hour and a half later (shhhhh) my arms were just tingling.

So the question of the day is....why do we fight going to the gym/going for that run/going to the pool/or going for a ride when we know once it is over we will not only feel so much better physically, but emotionally as well? I mean, my entire posture changes, along with my mindset. It is just so dumb that I make constant excuses when it is actually the best therapy that I have been able to find!

My goal for the next week is no more arguing. Just do it. I like that. Heh, must be why it made them so much money ;)


Mom tried decaf once said...

I think the mental part of it is 90%. That is why I try to talk myself into just a walk...a walk is not bad and then I always end up running and loving it. There is so much power in that little phrase..who knew?

jahowie said...

Nice job. I'm not sure why we fight it. I guess a lot of the times the power of depression can be so strong that it forces us to stay on the couch. Booze is a depressant but we still drown our sorrows in it from time to time. I'm glad that you were able to push yourself and feel better.

Marcy said...

I agree with Lisa. I don't think there has EVER been a time that I felt bad after I exercised. And that's what I try to tell myself "You'll feel so much better afterwards" LOL

I KNEW you'd smoke my quiz, that's why I had to be a little sly :P

Gotta Run..... said...

I don't fight starting the workout rather sometimes pushing myself when it gets too hot or the hill is too steap. I can be a real baby and then in the next second pissed that I need to suck it up.

What a mental case I am!!

Mendy said...

You're so right! It's so easy, for us to blow it off (I know - I did yesterday). But sometimes those workouts, whether it be run, swim, whatever, that we don't want to do - are sometimes our best. And, we do feel a ton better afterwards. It's why we go back for more - and I love the feeling of getting back to my cube and knowing that instead of stuffing my face with food with co-workers, I ran 3 miles, or rode 10 miles. Feels so much better!

Glad it worked out, and just keep thinking that "just do it" when the going gets tough... It's especially hard to work out during a lunch hr (or hr/half :-), and I commend you for doing so.

miss petite america said...

i wonder the same thing! and most of the time "just do it" makes me want to rebel and say "screw you i don't have to do anything!" but i'm crazy :)

way to get motivated and feel the burn!

Nikki said...

What a great cube mate :) I'm glad you went and kinda enjoyed it !!

How the arms today?

Scott McMurtrey said...

I don't know why we fight it. I guess because even though we feel better afterwards it is still easier to sit on the couch and watch TV and eat ice-cream (yum). And I always feel pretty good after some ice-cream...

Unknown said...

My first law of running:

"You have to be crazy to begin running...but even crazier to stop."

Nikki said...

where you at?