On Monday, Payton will be turning 4. We are having a party with the family on Sunday and many have called or emailed asking what she is wanting for her birthday. Her reply? "A puppy or a pony. Real one. Please." That's it. No talking her down or into anything else. There are no toys that she feels she needs - no crap, Christmas was less than a month ago :P - and she all of a sudden has decided that clothes are not going to cut it. Lovely. Anyone out there want to hook the poor child up with the pony? Because........
Tomorrow morning we are going to go pick up her puppy! It is a mix between a yorkie and a maltese, or "morkie" as they are sometimes called. The pictures are just darling and the breeder lives just about an hour north of us. I think I am more excited than she will be. I am seriously beside myself to see her face when she figures out where we are going tomorrow. Now, if only I can keep my mouth shut for the next roughly 20 hours. I suck at keeping secrets :X
Yea, I'd a picked the puppy too :-)
How about a puppy that is as big as a pony? Now that I could SO help you out with!!!!!!
She is going to be ecstatic!
My, son is 4 and a puppy is what he has been asking for. I bet that puppie is a cutie! Hang in there, with the secret :-)
Well, since you asked, I can ship you a pony, although it is not house trained yet. You will have to take care of that part. Congrats on the puppy, keep your mouth shut.
LOL Lisa!!
Ooooooo she is going to be ONE LUCKY B-day girl! Keira wanted a puppy for her B-day and we just got her a fish LMAO! And let me tell you . . . that things tank is stanky . . .already. YIKES!
Oh my gosh - you MUST post some puppy pics :)
Have a great weekend.
I am so excited for you, erm, I mean Payton! You are the best mom & I can't wait for pictures!
Are you going to let her name it? I remember, when I was 5 all I wanted was a kitty I could name Cindy.... I got the kitty, but my parents nixed Cindy :(
Wow, great decision. That puppy will leave behind WAY smaller yard mines than a pony would. Seriously, you would have to use a snow shovel to scoop up those turds. And going for a walk? Yeah, wheel barrow to clean up along the way.
It's great how excited we get about how happy our kids are going to get. I was like a little kid the other night when it was snowing, hoping Grace would get amped up. You're a great mom!
That's so freakin' cool! She's gonna love it. I can't wait to see pics and you gotta get a pic of her face when she sees the puppy!
Now, all you gotta do is keep quiet!
Oh man my mother in law asked for a pony (and nothing else) her whole childhood. She still talks about it. I don't know if she honestly thought it could be possible or what but she sure wasted a lot of opportunities to ask for things she could actually have!! :D
She will love the puppy. My in-laws have a new puppy and our 5 year old is the best with her!!
dang I want a PUPPY too!!!
Look forward to the B-Day Puppy post with lots of pics :-)
I suck at keeping secrets too. I always want to give the gifts as soon as possible to see the reactions. :-) Have fun!!
I meant to come on here last night and wish Payton a Happy Birthday, so sorry bout that!
I hope you all had a great time!!!!!
Does the morkie come with a Mindy?
YAY for puppies!!! She will be so excited!
Awwww, how cool, Lori!!
Happy belated birthday to Payton! Kara's birthday was Saturday. Aren't the growing up too fast?
I hope you'll post pics of the puppy! I have a purebred Yorkie. He's my furry baby. :-)
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