The Metamora Redbirds were in their usual form on Saturday and beat Marion to get to the State Championship!!! We had so much fun and have a huge group going to Champaign for State on Friday/Saturday.
My best friend who lives across the street from me (and coincidentally in the backyard of the football field) did breakfast before the game and no "tailgate" is complete without the spiked apple cider and bloody mary's! Needless to say, it got a little wild :X Unfortunately, with all the playoff festivities and then having to come into work on Sunday, the long run that I wanted to get in just didn't happen. But, the overtime from yesterday is going to pay me back today and the plan is just to work a half day today and get in a nice long run before I pick the kids up from school/the sitter's. I can't wait!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday and gets to enjoy a short week :)
Yay! have a great time and enjoy :-)
Why are you leaving us hanging like that? Just "got a little wild"? No details? *sigh*
Hope the schedule works out for you and you can get that run in. I know how frustrating it can be to have workouts slide, and one or two just fall off. Sounds like you had a good time, though.
I'm with David!! Details! Details!! Details!! Did it involve any removal of clothing? :P
Thanks for saving me from cleaning stuff off of the stove! :>P I hope your run went well!
Marcy. Marcy. Marcy
Hope you got your run in! clap, clap, clap for a 3 day week!!! Yah!!!
BTW - I tagged you, hope you don't mind.
Have fun!! Did I hear removal of clothing? LOL
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