It is completely amazing to me how dense I can be at times. I have been having these horribly Scroogy-type feelings towards Christmas and it took me until driving to my counseling appointment yesterday to figure it out. Um yeah...of course I am going to have a hard time with the holidays this year. I miss my baby. But once I left my appointment (after coming up with a plan to deal with it and include him in the holidays) I felt honestly 10 pounds lighter. The kids and I talked about it last night and we decided the best way to honor Kruex this Christmas would be to buy some gifts that we think he would have loved and then donate them to kids that need them and would enjoy them. We usually choose one or two different charities to donate to during this time of year anyway, and this will be a really personal way for the kids to feel like they are helping someone. I think we just found a new Christmas tradition :)
So, now that I have finally dealt with my issues...bring on the shopping and decorating! Which is good since The Boss's big plan for the weekend is to get a tree up in my house and hang lights, too, and now I can be cheery and fun instead of crabby and sad :P
The house is clean. I've gotten a couple of workouts in so far this week. Hopefully I can find time to get a run in tonight, but it is frigid out these days and I have a head cold starting, which is no fun. But overall, I am finally looking forward to the holiday season again. And before long it will be over and it will be on to Sunny Arizona! I need to kick it into gear, kids!
Ohhhh Lori I think that is a WONDERFUL idea (to donate toys that Kruex would've liked) ;D ;D I'm glad that you're feeling "better". You're such an amazing person chica :-)
It's crazy how fast the RnR HM is coming up. I was plugging in appointments and stuff for the month of Dec/Jan and was like "Whooaaaa this thing is not that far off" I'm ready to get on outta this cold weather myself LOL
That is a great idea, and ya know, I haven't really thought about being charitable this holiday. Thanks for kicking me in my ass...
Yup, not too long to P.F. Chang's. I wanna hear about some LOOOONG runs :-)
a great idea to help all of you at this time of year by honoring Kruex in this way...and those kids will love what toys you choose..take care :)
that is a great idea Lori...glad you are feeling better, too.
Lori that is a great idea!!!!!! I am so happy that you will have that tradition!
I also can't believe how close we are to PFChang's!!!!!!!
Lori, that's such a fantastic idea!! I'm so glad that you and the kids came up with that and they're excited too! Big hugs to all of you!
That's really great, and I'm glad that you found the button to push. And it's a very smart plan, in my opinion.
You have such a huge Heart Lori, and I'm sure Kruex would love that idea! and I think it's great your kids like the idea too! Plus, it's helping a needy cause.
Glad you're in the spirit now!
Bring on the nice weather at PFC!!! woo hoo....
That is an absolutely beautiful way to honor his memory! No wonder you feel better.
That is a great way to honor your baby's memory! You can take some comfort in knowing another child will be happy because of your generosity. And I am still hoping to do the RnR--just have to figure out if Don will be able to go or not. Waiting to talk to the doc.
I think that is such a great idea and very healing. That's what the Christmas spirit is all about.
Thanks for the bday wishes.
Oh Lori, I know I don't comment very often. Honestly, most of the time I am crying by the time I finish your posts. I suppose because I have little boys, I have too easy of a time or too hard of time or something when I think about losing one and what you are dealing with. This isn't meant to bring you down. God, I hope I am not. You are amazing and I admire you so much. I think you are really strong and I wanted you to know that. I think the plan you hatched is amazing and will touch other people as you honor your Kruex, and I am so glad it makes you feel better. Your little sweeties will feel like they are doing something good and are learning about Christmas too. My wish for you is a joyous and peaceful holiday.
Geesh, now that I have said all that, maybe I can start commenting more frequently. You are such an inspiration.
Lori, I LOVE that idea!! What an awesome way to remember little Kruex.
I am glad things are looking brighter for you.
And I agree with Nancy. There are very few times when I read your blog and DON'T cry. :-(
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