So, get your best naggy-wife voice out and talk Mr. McG into sending you to the half in January.
Because really...Arizona needs you. I need you. Lisa really needs you. And now? Well, now, Mendy & David need you, too.
Just think of all the fun we will have. Actually, since I have never previously done a list on this blog, I think I'll de-virginize the site just for you :0
1) Lisa is crazy. 'Nuff said.
2) We will get to see JavaDad make the faces IN REAL LIFE that Lisa has talked about for all these years.
3) David may be just as nuts as Lisa. For example, he keeps hinting at some insane fact that "it's just $35 to upgrade to the full". Step away from the crackpipe.
4) The weather in Arizona will be so much better than the weather in New York in January.
5) You could buy a new running outfit just for the occasion.
6) Shopping.
7) Even if you walk the whole thing, you will still probably pace the same as Lisa and I.
8) And finally - What kind of bathroom pic would it be without you there holding the camera?
So, all I'm saying is read the list. Mull it over. And then book your flight, dang it!
Marcelina? (mind starts to work, figuring out to use that tidbit of information to my advanate) :-)
advantage :-) :-)
Do it!
January is Rock n Roll time!!
you'll be half way to spring!
It's only $35 to upgrade to the full!!
..and it looks like we're staying at the same place as Lori. YOU CAN 2! Come on, Jmom - a chauffeur! How can you resist that too? Just tell Mr McG we will all take good care of ya!
RnR AZ Jan!
It would be great to head west this time of year. I actually saw some snow falling today!!! Puke!!
I will even fork out the cash to wash the van. Nah, nevermind we can all do that together as cross training.
That's a lot of forkin money, Lisa!
(hardy, har, har)
OMG!!!! I'm like WTF is she talking about?!? YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!! Awwwhhhh I love you!!! You scared the SHEET outta me. You'll have to e-mail me, I hate bringing unfun stuff to the blogs :P. It's not because Mr. McG won't let me go. He NEVER says no to anything just lists the reason why he's not comfortable :P And you know I never listen to him anyway LOL. There are "other" things going on right now :-/ (ie: yesterday's appoint)
And Wes the Marcelina thing was SOOOOOO covered last month :P
:<( Well fork.
Fork is right :(
Oh wait, did you say I was crazy?
Marcy, Marcy.....get your tail out to AZ woman!!!!
We ROCK out here :P
See what you think:
all you bloggers always pressuring people to do everything...
Yippee, it worked! Peer pressure totally rules!
You guys are going to have SO MUCH FUN! I'm actually thinking of changing from MS to AZ because flights are SO MUCH CHEAPER! (And I have relatives there!)
Trust me that I wish that it was in the budget to join you guys!! What a fun time you will have!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You did it girl!!!!!!!
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