This is the doll that Payton is asking Santa for. She doesn't quite understand that the "Just Like Me" concept is to get a doll that actually resembles you. This one is close, I'll give her that. The hair and eye color are the same, but they also have a doll with bangs that really looks like Payton. Nevertheless, she tells me that she likes this "hairstyle" best. ??? Seriously? Where does a 3-year old learn words like that?
This doll has gotten me thinking of all the ways the kids are just like me. Payton has times where she looks so much like me, it's just scary. Last night she put on a zip-up sweatshirt and kept asking my mom "Don't I look JUST like my mom?" LOL (Hey - no making fun of the sweatshirts...they're comfy :P) The worst part, however, is how much she acts like me. And not usually the good characteristics :X When she is mad (the kid has one helluva temper) she will stand, glaring at us and grit through her teeth how she is "So.Pissed.Off" Her language has some slips when she's angry, too. Guess that would be another thing we have in common :X I honestly just look at her, shrug my shoulders and say "Me too, sister, me too." When we are "disagreeing" she will decide that we aren't talking to each other, which can last for a while. And, again, it is usually just fine by me. It also never fails that once the rage has passed, she will just sob and feel so horrible for her actions. She will tell us over and over that she is "sorry for everything". Some days, it is like looking in a mirror all day long.
Then there is Jack. He has some of the same hystrionics (sp?) that Payton and I have, but for the most part I think his character is much more in line with his dad's. Pretty laid back and easily bossed around ;) Just kidding, but Jack really doesn't stand much chance with Payton and I in the same house. But last night completely proved that he is definitely my son. He had spent a long weekend with his dad. Being Veteran's Day weekend, the school combined parent/teacher conferences and the kids ended up getting a 5-day weekend. As we were leaving his dad's house, he reminded Jack to take something with him. This object was wrapped in styrofoam and I could tell it was probably something he made.
So, we get to the car and I ask what it was (even though I figured it was some kind of gift for me) and he tells me it is my Christmas present. I immediately started laughing. I mean, come on, if nothing else, everyone knows that neither Jack or I can keep a gift a secret. At all. Not even for a day. Within 3 minutes of leaving Brian's house, Jack had already slipped and told me that it was a plate (which led to uncontrollable laughter from me and angry tears from him) and within 30 minutes of finishing dinner at my grandma's he had unwrapped it and given it to me :X It's unfair really. We just can't hold our excitement in. We are the worst gift-givers ever and if I could tell him that there was no Santa, they would have all of their presents by Thanksgiving every year.
Fortunately we probably have another year or two, as it doesn't look like Jack will stop believing in Santa Claus until his rotten sister tells him the truth :P
Those dolls just creep me out. Maybe it's because their features are so lifelike, but they just look like they are going to stab me with a filet knife in the middle of the night.
I'm a bad gift secret keeper, too. The funny thing is, I hate not knowing what my gift is, to the extent that I would rather know what it is weeks before I can actually have it. Maybe it makes Christmas day last that much longer for me, instead of opening up a gift, liking it, and then all the hubub is over for 364 more days.
And just wait until she turns 11!
Before seeing your comment from my husband, I was about to tell on him, so suppose I will go ahead. He is the worst about presents. I like surprises and he is the opposite - has to find out, so much so that he guesses every year what he's getting. It annoys the crap out of me.
That doll is precious! I loved walking around in there and felt like a kid myself. They are gorgeous and I look forward to taking Grace in one when she gets older. Ahh.... the joys of having little girls, huh?
Kids are just so neat! and they say/act the cutest things.
Oops. Meant to answer your question. When I was up there, I got the Bitty twins for her and she already has them. They're on her dresser. So adorable!
I'm with David. I want to know WEEKS ahead of time. Now I'm curious (Mendy) if you guys watch a movie that YOU know the ending too but he does not, does he ask you how it ends? LOL
I LMAO at Miss P! She's like a sassy 20 yo. Hmmmmmmm wonder if you Mom would say you were the same way at her age? :P I think it's cute to see yourself in your child. Granted most of the traits they get (at least for me) are the worst ones LOL
No, I don't ask about the ending of the movie, but I always try to guess the ending or next scene or plot twist.
My two younger boys still believe in Santa and their older brother is good enough to play along. I even dressed up as Santa one year for the boys and surprised them. I will really miss it.
((big smiles))
Loved your comment!
I wouldn't mind trying for us to stay close to you, of course - if you don't mind. :-) Email me if you get a sec, and we can exchange #'s. mendysc@yahoo.com
I am cracking up because Hannah picked out one of those dolls with curly hair. I kid you not...and Hannah's hair is bone straight. Too funny. I swear Hannah and Payton have so much in common!!
Will you let David and Mendy know where you are staying? I forgot to ask you on the phone. Is it the San Marcos?
all dolls creep me out, but especially the ones that have moving eyes or eyelids that open and close...those are the worst.
That is hilarious. I love your response to Payton being pissed off.
"Me too, sister, me too."
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