Friday, December 7, 2007

Blog Schmog

THANK YOU ALL! so much for all your wonderful words. I always know that when this girl is down, you all are unbelievable in picking me back up again.

That said, I am still in a blogging funk. And a running funk :X I am hopeful that this weekend is going to turn that around, but I just have no clue where I am going to fit this junk all in! Starting Monday though back to the gym over my lunch hours. At least a 40 minute run is better than the nothing that I have been doing lately.

So, that being said, please just bear with me. Once I figure out what to get my rotten kids for Christmas, I trust that I will be feeling better...or if I win the lottery. Whichever comes first :P


Marathoner in Training said...

Get your kids a pair of running shoes, so they can chase after you. As a parent you can not forget to get the kids the traditional fun presents like underwear, socks, toothpaste, new toothbrush, swimsuit, pencils and notebooks, etc.

Wes said...

Just take it easy and have fun chica! Run when you want, walk when you want, suck in the fresh air. Live! and remember, You R-O-C-K :-)

Nancy said...

At least it's only a blog funk and a running funk. I think mine lately is more serious. Ugh. I did take a day off today and watched a movie this morning, it was good for my soul.

J~Mom said...

I really love this saying...

You will never know how far you can go if you don't start.

Tell yourself that with your runs. If you can just get out and start a run that is 99% of the battle!


Marcy said...

(((HUGS)))) Hang in there chica!! And don't sweat the running thang ;-) We're going to be like the 3 . . uhh 4 Musketeers ;-)

David said...

How about a nice toilet brush, a new broom and dustpan, and maybe some great window cleaner? Sound like good presents to me.

You know, the runs don't have to be long, fast, or particularly notable. Get some small victories under your belt, with a 2 miler here, a 3 miler there, or a pair of short runs in a day. And by victories, I mean that afterwards you can say "well, at least I did something. I'm still running." You'll get your drive back soon, I bet. Hang tough!

Unknown said...

The hardest part is getting out the door...

Pokey said...


You'll be back at it before you know it.

Just say NO to FUNKS! ;)

Neese said...

hope today is a good one for you!

Mendy said...

Ahhh... Lori. You'll be back when it feels right! Do what you can. You'll be back at it soon and be enjoying it again. I go through this type of rut, it seems every 2 months.

((hugs)) to ya!

Unknown said...

This works for me... Just say that you will go out for one mile run. When you are feeling so good during your first mile of run, then say to yourself "I am going for another one." You will be amazed how many miles you have done for the day.

Scott McMurtrey said...

sometimes we all need to get a little funktified. after a nice funkalicious streak you'll be roarin' back. :)

ws said...

when in doubt, write about toenails, that seems like a good way to go. hope you found some good gifts though maybe winning the lottery is better.

Jess said...

Blog funks, running funks, they happen. Don't sweat it. We know you'll return when ready.

Bob - said...

Hey You Hope ur doing ok and got the kids some presents...Dave's toy presents look good for them--lol

I been off for a few weeks of running myself and as I eat more junk and drink more beers its getting harder to get back in my grove :-( ... Just need to get this Holiday thingy over with... sooooon! So we can get back to running again.

Merry X-Mas Hun!

David said...

Hey, how's the PFChang's training coming? We're within a month now! I'm getting tempted to run with you ladiez, but I know Marcy would try to kick me in the knee so she could pass me at the finish. She's like that, ya know.

Laurel said...

Haha, "rotten kids". I love it.

I hear you on the running/blogging funk. Take care of yourself, get through the stress of the holidays. Running and blogging will be here when you get back.

Unknown said...

*loud static* Earth to RunningCrazy...Earth to RunningCrazy.. *loud static* Man, this is breaking up. Do you read me? How's it going so far? Hope all is well with you especially with this holiday madness!

Mendy said...

Hey chica! Where ya at? Miss you!

Larissa said...

I hope you win the lottery;) As far as running, don't sweat it. But. . .if you want some motivation - I always remind myself that, though I've often regretted skipping a run, I've never regretted a run once I've done it. Live for no regrets!

I totally understand the blog funk, girl. You gotta do what's right for you. The rest of us will hang until you're ready. Merry Christmas!

J~Mom said...

Merry Christmas Chicka!!

Mendy said...

Lori, Hope you had a good Christmas and have a wonderful New Year!

Looking forward to seeing you in a little over a week. No sweat on the half. We will run together, k! I am way undertrained for this one. :-)

David said...

Happy New Year, Lori! Hope all's well, and we'll see you in just over a week!