When I was in grade school, they would have rollerskating in PE for a week or two each year. I was never any good at rollerskating. Some of my friends were amazing. They would go fast, forwards, backwards, spin in circles. I always wanted to be able to skate like that, but no matter how much I tried, apparently I just wasn't born to skate. It happened again in college when the big rollerblading fad went around. It's almost like I have a "lazy leg" or something. I have just never been able to get much cooperation out of one side of my body when it comes to skating or skiing even.
Today, I went to the track to run. After 2 miles, I stopped to walk for an 1/8 of a mile or so and had the same type of feeling in my right leg. It was just strange. Unnatural, actually. I was having to actually concentrate on picking it up, bending at the knee and placing it back on the ground again. Super strange. Has anyone else ever had that happen? I ended up walking a 1/4 mile instead and then started running again and the feeling seemed to go away with running. I made sure to stretch well when I was done and didn't notice that stupid sensation again as I walked back to the locker room. Who knows what it was. I have been feeling *mentally* detached lately. Maybe it was just some kind of extension from that ???
Not sure what is going on with my leg, but now I want to try to find my rollerblades :P
OMG!!!! I remember those days!!! I used to LOOOVVVEEEEEEE rollerskating in gym class. We used to do it in elementary school.
Hmmmm I'm not sure what you mean with the leg. Like it fell asleep? I hope it's ok. Myabe just a one time weirdo thing?!?!
I never got to roller skate in school. :<( I did get to play with the rubic's cube though. :>P
I don't know about your leg..sounds like a pinched nerve to me? I hope it's ok though.
I'm so uncoordinated with anything other than shoes on my feet. And sometimes I can't make my shoes work...
I haven't had that feeling. Sounds strange. I wouldn't be worried...
I used to have issues with my legs like that when I was a kid going through a couple severe grow spirts...maybe you are getting taller?? ;-)
I asked my chiropractor/PT husband...he says it sounds like it's neurological. I have no idea what that means. If you want more details, I can send you his email and cell number.
Has anyone else ever had that happen?
ummm I have had that happen, when I couldn't lift my leg or legs but that was after drinking a case of beers :-(
seriously, not really sure maybe just a temporary memory lapse ...
All in all I consider myself a pretty athletic guy, but I CANNOT roller blade or roller skate or roller anything! I've crashed so many times that I'm afraid to even try it again.
I'm always mentally detached - after a while I got used to it and started enjoying it.
Rollerblading on marble is the best, at least until you fall.
I used to roller skate A LOT when I was in Junior High. We always had fun, but I could never get the hang of skating backwards.
I hope that your leg feels better on your next run.
I used to love roller skating, ice skating, in-line skating - you name it. I haven't had that feeling before, but it could be what Lisa said.
I am just now catching up on my blog reading a little at a time...big hugs to you! I hope you're feeling better.
That is strange -- don't know what to tell ya.
But I loved roller skating -- we used to have roller skating parties all the time when I was in elementary and middle school -- they rocked!
My first thought was exactly what Amy mentioned, possibly a nerve getting some pressure that is causing the issue. Mendy gets some weirdness in one leg on runs over 8-10 miles, and I'm certain it's related to something similar. I hope you can get it figured out!
Rollerskating in gym class? Seriously? Must have been during the bleak snowy months of the great frozen north. :-)
Yea, I get a funny weird sensation in my left leg all the time these days on runs, and now even the elliptical. I don't know what it is - have had a nerve test done - still dont know. If you find out what it is, let me know, please.
LOVE rollerblading!! and did enjoy scating back in the young days. I used to rollerblad all the time on my lunch hr when I lived in so cal. So much fun, and great for our legs!
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