Monday, March 3, 2008

You Win Some and You Lose Some

Thanks for all your wonderful comments on my last post!  I am obviously not overly concerned about Trainer-Boy being angry with me considering I didn't finish my homework like I was supposed to :P

Row 4000 meters - check
Run a timed 5k - nope

In my defense, I do have to add that on top of the rowing Friday, we threw in 60 push-ups, 45 sit-ups on the incline bench and 40 knee raise things.  Then on Saturday I had a kick-ass Body Attack class and threw a couple of miles around the track on afterwards.  I really tried to get that 5k yesterday afternoon, as the weather was GORGEOUS, but it just felt awful and I threw in the towel after 2.5 craptastic miles around the track at the school.  Could I have finished the 5k?  Sure.  Would I have turned in my time?  Absolutely, positively NOT!  LOL  It was that bad :X  I also had every plan to go run it today over my lunch hour, but ended up talking myself/getting talked out of it.  I haven't had a day off since last Tuesday and if I ran today, my next option for a rest day would have been Thursday.  That, combined with the fact that I want to also do Body Attack tomorrow night, after training with Rich over lunch, ended up making my decision for me.  I'm a selfish biatch...I would rather have the 600 cals burned from doing Body Attack compared to the 300ish cals that 5k would have given me :P

So, here is my next I just tell Rich I didn't do it, or just give him a number that I know I'm capable of?  It's not like we hired him to get us to be faster runners (although I am hopeful that will be a side effect of all this training), so really do I care that much?  Oh, and I do fully intend to run that 5k on Thursday, instead of taking it as a rest day.

Let me know what you think!


Viv said...

I just had this flashback of that trashy show Moment of Truth. LOL! Just be honest, but I am sensing he will over kill with push ups or something. I would take the 600 for body attack as well. WTG on working out since last Tues :-o

Scott McMurtrey said...

trainer man will be okay. ;)

Jess said...

Flip a coin. That usually helps decide things.

jahowie said...

Craptastic days must be going around. I had an awful run last night. Luckily, I didn't have anyone there to punish me for my poor performance. :-)

Marcy said...

I was thinking the same thing as Viv! He will probably punish you if you tell the truth . . . . LIE LIE LIE! ROFLMAO!

Mendy said...

Life happens, and I would have chosen the body pump class over running as well, consider the amount of calories are higher. I'd say just tell him. You'd be honest and he'd be appreciative of your honesty.

I need tips on how you're doing so many push-ups. I've got to up mine and fast!

Marathoner in Training said...

Tell the truth, he should not care, he will just double up on the homework assignments on you.

Nancy said...

Truth, give him your time for 2.5 and tell him how it went.

J~Mom said...

So did you see him already? What did you tell him?

My Life said...

This comment is coming late in the game, but just remember you can only do what you can do. If you can't get it all in... then no worries. You hired him for you. Not for him. You're the one whose panties should be in a knot if you had to skip a workout... if his are, I'd be really worried ;)

prashant said...

Flip a coin. That usually helps decide things.
home based data entry

Anonymous said...

Please my help 45k