Meet Rich. This is the man that is going to make me scream, cuss and cry for the next 7ish weeks. Hopefully in that same timeframe, he can give me some kickass muscles, a tight ass and bring my waist back to more of what its supposed to look like.
Kathy and I had our first personal trainer session today. It is supposed to focus on the core and she, being the ninny that she is, told him we wanted it to be "military" (I think she meant like bootcamp, but since she calls the "grapevine step" the "grapevine wreath", I'll let her slide ;)).
At this time, I really only have one thing to say...OH.MY.GOD!!! It was the most intense workout I have ever had in my life. The first thing I have done where I actually could not have physically done another thing. Just not happening. He had us circuit training - 4 different exercises - 15 reps of each. We started with deadlifts at 50 pounds; then moved onto "thrusters", which were basically squats with 12-pound dumbbells that you thrust above your head as you are standing; then elbow-to-knee crunches; and finally, pushups. During the 3rd set, I thought I was going to die and Kathy said she almost cried :X
That Son of Satan made us do 5 SETS!!!!!
I am just plain worn out. But I am so excited to be doing this and really, really hope that it makes a huge difference. He did tell us that we did well and that we were going to be strong as hell by the end of this fiasco. Oh, and he said that the exercises he is using for us are the same ones the actors who played in 300 used and that we will never see the same exercise twice, which is good because if we were doing that circuit on Friday, I think Kathy & I would both skip :X
We also did another class of Body Attack last night and it was even rougher than Saturday's class. This instructor was awesome. At least I can feel a little better with the knowledge that I don't have to do that again until Tuesday. Kathy & I are going to Chicago for the weekend for some shopping/partying with her son and his wife. It will be so nice to get to escape for a couple days, but I wish the weather was supposed to be better. I think it is supposed to be a nice balmy zero or something ridiculous like that this weekend :P
Oh.my.gawd. that is just not right LOL Good thing he's cute, huh? LMAO!
Thanks for letting me know, I totally know what to get you for your Birthday. Your area will be pearly white in no time :P
OMG, those circuits are the new thing, lots of research behind that they burn way more fat than hours of cardio or zillions of crunches. You are on your way. I agree with Marc, at least he's cute. Good luck with this, you are a bigger woman than me (and not in size, if you know what I mean!)
make me scream, cuss and cry
LOL! I thought this guy might be your latest ambush victim :-O
You are hitting the workouts very serious like! Way to go!! Love it!! Do the military and make me scream :-)
I was thinking the exact same thing as Wes!
Sounds like a great workout!! You are lucky to have a trainer. I just have to yell at myself all the time to stay motivated. I'm such a jerk too. LOL
You're a better woman than me attempting that routine! Good luck on that! I know it will make you stronger though. And have fun with that windchill in Chi Town.
Ohhhh you are going to get such a hardcore lil body aren't you!! And lucky girl with a fun trip to Chicago... think of me when you're in Nordstroms! ;)
I am so going to slip Rich a fiver to kick your heiney for me. LOL Dang girl it sounds awesome!!
You are going to be rock solid soo soon. I think you look terrific already though!
Actually sounds very fun and tough in the same breathe.
Give it a couple of weeks and you will be leading him around with a leash. You will be looking tirrific.
So, I guess you'll be showing up in the thong spandex leotard for your next session? LMAO!! Yeah, I'm sure you are hating it. Does he just not react to batting eye lashes?
The workouts sound painfully good, and he is a cutie. I would have to do what he tells me :-)
You're going to be RIPPED! You lucky thing, I wish I had a trainer!
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