You are just adorable! I took my daughter to your movie/concert on Sunday and we had the best time. She sang. She clapped. She shook her tail feather (quite a bit :X) She was crazy about the jeans you wore during part of your concert. And she was extra crazy about the fact that you had the Jonas Brothers with you (I know she's only 4...it's actually quite embarrassing how boy-crazy she already is). I just really wanted you to know how much fun we had and we have come to a decision. Can we adopt you? Just let me know!
Lori & Payton
Sorry, had to get that one out of the way. Payton has been riding my ass all day to ask ;) Had a pretty decent run today. I'm loving the new kicks. They felt pretty darn good, even though I did still have some arch pain, but it was expected. Tomorrow night is another Body Attack class. The plan is to do it on Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings and then Kathy and I are starting ab/core work with a personal trainer on Wednesday. We are going to focus on core with him Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I was a bit concerned with this new schedule because of the lack of time to really be able to fit runs in, but the more I thought about it, the better it probably is. It will give my arch/plantar faciitis more time to heal and I will still be getting killer workouts in. We are going to have 20 sessions with the trainer, which takes us for nearly 7 weeks. Hopefully by the last third of it, the weather will be cooperating a bit more and I'll be able to run occasionally after work at home.
How cute. That sounds like a great mom/daughter date!
Ohhh are you in trouble with that little girl or what?! ;)
And lucky you with all the training sessions!! Please share what you learn!
Glad you girls had fun at the movie. My 4 yr old son is in love with her, I find it too funny.
The core training sessions sound awesome!!
Miley is all the craze. It's nuts... Have fun breaking in those new kicks! and kick some butt in those classes :-)
Oh how adorable. My five year old hasn't discovered her yet, but I'm sure it's a matter of time.
Glad you had a nice little date!
Oh how adorable. My five year old hasn't discovered her yet, but I'm sure it's a matter of time.
Glad you had a nice little date!
Oh how adorable. My five year old hasn't discovered her yet, but I'm sure it's a matter of time.
Glad you had a nice little date!
Oh shit. Can you say impatient?
OMG are you a JavaMom in training? :P Better be careful though, have you seen some of the "naughty" pics of her that had circulated? (They aren't THAT bad) We might have another Brit on our hands :P
We all know where she got the boy crazyness from.
We went too!!!!!! LOVED IT!!!!! I think she is so stinking cute! Now I want to put some of her songs back on my ipod!
So...something that has me confused, and I have no one to ask: Are Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana one in the same? Or are they two separate girls? I don't have children, so I'm out of loop, and I can't tell from ads.
I was wondering the same thing Jess was, for a while. I JUST recently learned they are the same girl. It's all weird to me. But, if she stays as popular, I might as well get used to her, as my little baby (Yes, I know she's NOT a baby anymore) will probably be hooked on her too.
Great job with the personal trainer. Sounds like a lot of good focus!
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