Thursday, February 28, 2008
Pity Party Anyone?
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
That Darn Biggest Loser
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Work Shmerk
I almost forgot...sorry I have been sucking on commenting on all your blogs. I promise I'm reading religiously, but they have somehow blocked our ability to comment and I can't make new posts from work anymore either. All these blocked sites are getting old...What do they think I'm there for anyway? :P
The personal trainer is going well. He is killin' us! I have found out that I have ZERO strength in my abdomen. Seriously...situps are downright embarrassing and I jump rope like a mental patient. :X But 3 down...only 17 to go...Oh, Lord :-/ All I know is that if at the end of this I am able to do 30 regular situps in a row and 15 "man" push-ups in a row, he will be my best friend forever. LOL
This week is going to be quite the test. The first week of actually 3 sessions with Rich and Body Attack tomorrow night and Saturday morning. It will be fun to see if I am still concious once we hit Saturday afternoon :P Oh, and my cousin turns 21 on Friday, so that will not be a nice class on Saturday!
Hope everyone has a great week and I will try to get on the commenting!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
My Own Personal Jillian

Meet Rich. This is the man that is going to make me scream, cuss and cry for the next 7ish weeks. Hopefully in that same timeframe, he can give me some kickass muscles, a tight ass and bring my waist back to more of what its supposed to look like.
Kathy and I had our first personal trainer session today. It is supposed to focus on the core and she, being the ninny that she is, told him we wanted it to be "military" (I think she meant like bootcamp, but since she calls the "grapevine step" the "grapevine wreath", I'll let her slide ;)).
At this time, I really only have one thing to say...OH.MY.GOD!!! It was the most intense workout I have ever had in my life. The first thing I have done where I actually could not have physically done another thing. Just not happening. He had us circuit training - 4 different exercises - 15 reps of each. We started with deadlifts at 50 pounds; then moved onto "thrusters", which were basically squats with 12-pound dumbbells that you thrust above your head as you are standing; then elbow-to-knee crunches; and finally, pushups. During the 3rd set, I thought I was going to die and Kathy said she almost cried :X
That Son of Satan made us do 5 SETS!!!!!
I am just plain worn out. But I am so excited to be doing this and really, really hope that it makes a huge difference. He did tell us that we did well and that we were going to be strong as hell by the end of this fiasco. Oh, and he said that the exercises he is using for us are the same ones the actors who played in 300 used and that we will never see the same exercise twice, which is good because if we were doing that circuit on Friday, I think Kathy & I would both skip :X
We also did another class of Body Attack last night and it was even rougher than Saturday's class. This instructor was awesome. At least I can feel a little better with the knowledge that I don't have to do that again until Tuesday. Kathy & I are going to Chicago for the weekend for some shopping/partying with her son and his wife. It will be so nice to get to escape for a couple days, but I wish the weather was supposed to be better. I think it is supposed to be a nice balmy zero or something ridiculous like that this weekend :P
Monday, February 4, 2008
Dear Miley Cyrus

You are just adorable! I took my daughter to your movie/concert on Sunday and we had the best time. She sang. She clapped. She shook her tail feather (quite a bit :X) She was crazy about the jeans you wore during part of your concert. And she was extra crazy about the fact that you had the Jonas Brothers with you (I know she's only's actually quite embarrassing how boy-crazy she already is). I just really wanted you to know how much fun we had and we have come to a decision. Can we adopt you? Just let me know!
Lori & Payton
Sorry, had to get that one out of the way. Payton has been riding my ass all day to ask ;) Had a pretty decent run today. I'm loving the new kicks. They felt pretty darn good, even though I did still have some arch pain, but it was expected. Tomorrow night is another Body Attack class. The plan is to do it on Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings and then Kathy and I are starting ab/core work with a personal trainer on Wednesday. We are going to focus on core with him Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I was a bit concerned with this new schedule because of the lack of time to really be able to fit runs in, but the more I thought about it, the better it probably is. It will give my arch/plantar faciitis more time to heal and I will still be getting killer workouts in. We are going to have 20 sessions with the trainer, which takes us for nearly 7 weeks. Hopefully by the last third of it, the weather will be cooperating a bit more and I'll be able to run occasionally after work at home.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Workout + Hottub = Gratitude
Afterwards, the day was crazy. Lunch, basketball (Jack's), cooking for the SuperBowl tomorrow, etc. but finally after it all settled down, Payton and I went to Jennifer's and we hit up the hottub for a while. Oh.My.Gosh! It felt so good and with a few beers was just perfect. We got talking about crap in general and I started thinking and telling her how I believe pain is relative. Actually, I should rephrase...loss is relative. When I lost my grandpa in September it was hard, but okay. I also had a point of reference. That being said....
I got to have my son for 9 months. 8 months at home in perfect health and perfect temperment. The child was sent from God and that is what we got. I thank Him everyday that I was able to spend that much time with such a perfect little human being. And I am so grateful for it. Again, loss is relative...
There are people I am humbled by every day. The Iraqi mothers who watch their children get raped and murdered right before their eyes. Actually, any parent in a war-torn country. Mothers in Africa who have children born with AIDS or other unspeakable illnesses. And most dear to my heart...the mothers who have to lose their dear sons and daughters to the war we are fighting...especially the ones who risk more than one. I can't, for the life of me, imagine how they continue. But, then again, before Kruex died, I never imagined I could either after losing a child. A mother's love and faith is an incredible thing, and I can only hope and strive to do it the honor it deserves.